Thursday, December 24, 2009

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

YAAY FOR 2010!! I'm hoping for many good things to come next year for this year was probably one of the worst years of my life! Yes there was many good things about this year but mostly bad events occurred this year. I hope I can make 2010 way better than this year.

Today we made 100 eggrolls and it was dee-licious! I mean we had two different ones, the mix with eggs and the mix without eggs. I prefer the one with eggs because that's what I'm used to eating. I also made an attempt in making peanut sauce and it tasted so dee-licious too! I don't know if the peanut is to overpower most of the flavor so I added a little of the sweet and sour sauce and it tasted so much better for some reason.

Well the kids are excited to open on gift tonight! I am too. I can't wait to see all the other kids on Christmas. I think I'm going to celebrate New Years @ Lisa&Greg's house. It's just been awhile since I've seen them and I miss them a lot.

Have a white Christmas! :D

1 comment:

Kenneth said...

It sucked because you didn't ever see me. :P

Merry Christmas Amee! :D