Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 30, Thee last Day

YES! That means I get to go on myspace/facebook and respond back to whoever wrote to me!

Today's Appearance:

Today was the 5th grader's Wax Museum at Ramsey Elementary. It was jammed pack with kids and parents. Some kids did a great job in their speech and some kids went all out on the visual aid(s). There was a kid that did FDR and he actually brought a wheel chair for his visual aid. Mathew's person was Seqouyah. I've never heard of him but he's famous for his Cherokee alphabet. Enjoy the pictures.

We went to go see "Avatar" in 3D!! It was so much more cooler. It felt like I was right there on Pandora! We're totally going to buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Have a great day, readers! (^_^)

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