Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 2

So I finished "Flipped" and it was great! Favorite part is the Basket Boy part of the book. It's a fundraiser for the Booster club at the school and there are 20 boys that are picked by the club. These boys will have a lunch basket full of delicious food and the girls can bid on them and of course, the highest bid gets the a lunch date with the boy. It's so cute because this is when the main boy, Bryce, finally realizes that he loves the main girl, Julianna(Juli). It's super cute. Juli is so confused because she's always liked him since the 2nd grade until Bryce made fun of her retarded uncle this 8th grade year. Everything is "flipped". Oh, I just love it. I mean talk about a little to late right?

So here is Bryce's POV:
   "And since you know what a tree-climbing weenie I am, I think it's pretty clear that I'm willing to do anything to get her to talk to me. Man, I'll dive after her into a chicken coop full of poop if that's what it takes. I'll ride my bike all the stinkin' way to school for the rest of eternity if it means being with her.
    Something. I've got to come up with something to show her that I've changed. To prove to her that I understand.
    But what? How do I show her that I'm not the guy she shinks I am? How do I erase everything I've done and start over?
    Maybe I can't. Maybe it just can not be done. But if I've learned one thing from Juli Baker, it's that I've got to put my whole heart and soul into it and try.
    Whatever happenes, I know that my grandfather's right about one thing.
     I'll never be the same again."
Here's Juli's POV:
  "My mother heard me slamming doors and came to check on me in my room. 'Julianna! What's wrong?'
   I flipped over on my bed to face her and wailed, 'I am so confused!! I don't know what to think or feel or do...!'"
   "My dad joined me on the couch and peeked out the window, too.
    'A tree?' I whispered. 'He's planting a tree?'"
    "A sycamore tree.
    Bryce finished planting the tree, watered it, cleaned everything up, and then went home. And I just sat there, not knowing what to do.
    I've been sitting here for hours now, just staring out the window at the tree. It maybe little now, but it'll grow, day by day. And a hundred years from now it'll reach clear over the rooftops. It'll be miles in the air! Already I can tell--it's going to be an amazing, magnificent tree.
    And I can't help wondering, a hundred year from now will a kid climb it the way I climbed the one up on Collier Street? Will she see the things I did? Will she feel the way I did?
    Will it change her life the way it changed mine?
    I also can't stop wondering about Bryce. What has he been trying to tell me? What's he thinking about?
    I know he's home because he looks out his window from time to time. A little while ago he put his hands up and waved.And I couldn't help it--I gave a little wave back.
    So maybe I should go over there and thank him for the tree. Maybe we could sit on the porch and talk. It just occurred to me that in all the years we've known each other, we've never done that. Never really talked.
    Maybe my mother's right. Maybe there is more to Bryce Loski that I know.
    Maybe it's time to meet him in the proper light."

Oh, isn't it great! I mean she's giving  him another chance to redeem himself. It's so great. Oh how love starts out young and full of innocence and ignorance. That's amazing. I can't wait to see the movie.

I was listening to Miley Cyrus's "I miss you" song and it made me think of my father. May his soul rest in peace. He passed away on the 28th of October and I felt like the whole Hospice process went too fast. I wish I didn't disappoint him. I mean he said he has forgiven everyone and anyone who has hurt him but I feel like I didn't show him any of my improvements since I've last seen him. I wish I listened to his words and learned more about him. I wish I took the chance to learn about Hmong people and their history and culture and lifestyles. I truly regret many things I should've done for my father. I know it's too late and I really regret that. I think the most important knowledge I'll get from my father is that in order for me, as an individual to become successful in America, I must love myself and befriend those that will benefit me in the long run. He taught me so many things. I must love myself in order to love someone. I must seek a partner that is compatiable(he was really into astrology and the Chinese zodiac) and someone who is successful. Not particularily meaning that my future partner better have a really high degree but a career that he loves doing and is able to support both of us. I must finish college and become the first daughter in the family to achieve and bachelor's degree or higher. He really wanted me to aim for a master's so I'm hoping to get there. I remember being the best kid in the family because I said I wanted to be a doctor but as I grew up I noticed that I didn't have the stomach for any medical-related career. I don't know why but I feel super uncomfortable in a hospital environment. Oh Dad, I miss you so much.

So I was doing my St.Cloud University stuff along with getting my Dell scholarship and I got it. Yes. Thank you so much Dell. I can't wait to go to school. 

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