Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 1

The first day is Monday. Sorry but I didn't get a chance to get on the computer to write therefore I'm here early in the morning writing this. Well today my niece Alexandria(Lexa) and I watched The Ugly Truth and we both thought it was cute but predictable, as most romantic comedies. I just thought that the doctor dude in there was quite handsome and almost as hot has Jacob Black. Oh, did I tell you I went to go see New Moon too. It was much better than Twilight but I wasn't that amazed. Lexa said it's because I haven't read the books. I told her fine, I'll start on the saga and that's what I plan on doing for these 30 days of no myspace/facebook.

After we watched the movie, we finished the rest of the heart-shaped cake we made last night. I wrote "heart" JACOB on it. My sister-in-law and brother were like, "Who's Jacob?" We girls just giggled. Man I miss being childish. Then Lexa went about doing her homework, me being jealous, started to read. Oh, by the way, I"m reading "Flipped". It's super cute. Guess what!!? I just found out that they're going to making a movie out of it. That's super cool. I mean I never thought it would happen but that's awesome.  Here's the link to plot summary, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flipped. Then came lunch.

So we have a bunch of  venison because of my brother and his glorious winnings of bucks and since we already have some cooked, I decided to make some venison larb. For those who doesn't know what larb is, it is an Asian Cuisine dish made of shredded or grounded meat and many herbs; usually made at parties and ceremonies. As I was saying, I forgot that we used all the cilantro and green onion, so Lexa and I took a trip to County Market. Man, Lexa's driving scared the shit out of me today. She made me almost have a heart attack! Jeez, I even asked if I should drive there! I think it was because we usually don't go to County Market but to Walmart or Cub Foods which is about another 2 miles down the road in the opposite direction. We got our greens and when we went to go pay, I noticed that our cashier was quite cute and he didn't ring me up for my other batch of green onions. I wanted to ask Lexa if I should tell him about the other green onion but we just kept talking to each other about what her dad and her can do today since it's "her" day. I felt so bad, what would have you done? So afterwards, we left to McDonalds to return The Ugly Truth and I was craving some McDonald coffee so I begged Lexa for some and so she bought me some. She got a fries which weren't that yummy. They were too cripsy and too salty. She loved it! So we came back and I finished making my venison larb. It was delicious!

So my brother told me to pick up the kids and I did but I totally forgot that his suburban was parked behind my car so I had to move his car. I've never driven anything that huge in my entire life and when I drove it, I thought I was going to crash into something because it was so huge!! Oh man, if I remembered that his car was behind mine, I would've left the house about 10 minutes earlier. It's okay because nothing was broken and I got the kids home safely in my car. I also let my other niece Cynthia(Sia) drive because she has her permit and wants to drive a lot. You know that feeling of getting to drive because you finally have your permit or license. I could see she had lots of fun. At the moment, she needs to work on her turns and coasting and her peripherals.

After we kids got home, we just watched movies and ate the rest of the venison larb. The kids will only eat venison like that or else they won't touch it. I realized that the kids haven't done their homework so I made them do it. I can't believe there isn't that much homework. Sia's done with her government homework and projects. Enyia just has to read. Mathew had math homework but he only likes to usually do it when his mother is home. Man he's super picky and inconsiderate. He's such a meanie. He's only like that because he's the only boy and gets whatever he likes. But I still love him like any other nephew of mine.

It was late and I wanted to watch Bram Stoker's Dracula. Lexa was like, "Okay, I'll watch it with you." So we led the kids up to the rooms and made them go to sleep. It started out all weird and all but overall, I thought it was kinda lame. Maybe I have to watch again and turn up the volume. We didn't want the movie to be too loud so we lowered the volume to like 14 and couldn't really hear their words. So I was kind of lost in every scene. I think I'm going deaf and that would be bad. Well we just finished so I'm finishing my entry, ready for bed too.

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