Friday, January 15, 2010

I just haven't met you Yet!

Yes it's from Michael Buble's Song.

I just wanna tell someone this. I wanna be indirect but also direct.
I like you. Yes I like you. Why? Well I'm not quite sure either. Or more like, I don't know how to put it into words for I'm afraid it'll ruin the moment or something. I've read that sometimes words shouldn't be said to express or say what you really want to say and I totally agree. Therefore I'm going to list things I'd like to do once we meet. I want to greet you with a big hug and huge smile making sure you see all my pearly whites!! Yes I want you to be happy and satisfied with your life, so you better be smiling the whole time you're with me!! There's so much things I would love to do with you and I wouldn't know where to start if I were to ever meet you. I want to try different foods and see your reactions to things too sour, too sweet, and your face when you say, "That was a great meal". Let's travel the country and see how far our imagination takes us on that trip. Let's just play at the park all day and have no worries. Love is no love unless it starts out childish. I'd like us to mature with it as well.

I can't help but wonder how you express yourself and your love towards others. Is there any room for me too? How will I react when you brush my hairs behind my ear? Will I be able to breathe while being next to you? I want to know if you'll be there when the times get rough or when I'm at my happiest(maybe both)? How do you look when you're sad, excited, happy, and when you're about to explode?!! Can I make you want to do anything in the world? They say, "You'll never know until you try," but what if I'm too scared. Should I be for you, for us?! Curiosity drives my mind with thoughts of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

be careful, some guys when they get wat they want, they'll eventually leave. Think about before u fall into their game. If they play it right u'll end up being hurt. Remember ur goals, dont let guys be interfering with wat u want to accomplish in ur life. There will be some that will hold u back.