Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is chivalry dead?

For those that doesn't know what chivalry is, it's a group of "knights" or gentlemen. So where are these "gentle"men?

So I was in the cultural center on campus and talking with YangKia about Xue about our argument last night. Then Nancy raises her voice to her boyfriend(who's on the phone with her). We both look at her shocked because we've never seen her that way.

"Why are you gonna get mad at me when I say LilCrazed is hot! Of course he's hot but that doesn't mean I gonna leave you for him or something. He's coming to Epic to perform and stuff! Don't make me mad because my birthday is right around corner and I don't need this shit!!"

So why does most guys get "jealous" or defensive when you say that another guy is "hot"? I mean to tell the truth, if a guy was checking out a woman I'd be like, "Yea she's pretty cute/pretty," and hey if she's really hot, then of course I'll say she's hot. Why do guys have to get so defensive about this?

I even told Yangkia that at times, I have a guy friend that says that this celebrity, whose a guy, is pretty hot. I first thought it was funny but then hey! It's cool to know that you find some guys very attractive. That doesn't mean you're into stuff about that. You're just realizing their outer beauty as many other women do to other attractive women in the world. Then we both came to a consensus that this guy friend could and possibly metrosexual but whatever. Then he said that I should be more girly. How in the world can I get even more girly than this, right? So I asked, "How do I become more girly?"
"You could act more blonde."
"So only blondes are girly girls?"
"Well guys find blonds more attractive."
"But don't most people stereotype blondes as dumb. So are you implying that girly girls are dumb."

And so the conversation about masculinity and better wives and then Yangkia didn't want to argue no more. A question that went constantly through my head was, why do some guys act so needy now? Are gender roles in relationships turning around now?

Gosh It has been a really long day.

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