Thursday, April 15, 2010


So this is all I remember so far:
So for some reason, I had a friend that let me borrow their 4runner to go see Xue. So I decided to take Sia with me because it was summer.

So, Me and Sia were coming out of a grocery store that looked so much like Food-4-less(Merced, CA). We were all happy because we were gonna go visit Xue and have fun. We were discussing what we should do in Madison and I was tell her about Xue's family, especially how cute and adorable his niece is.

So once we got into the car and close the doors, this black dude tries to open the passenger door. I locked the doors so he couldn't do anything. It scared the heck out of me and Sia. We were screaming and screamed at the dude to go away but he didn't so I backed up really fast(don't worry, I didn't hit any of the other cars) and went. Then all these older looking guys(about 40+) surrounded the car and was telling Sia to come out. I was like, "OMFG, what the heck is happening in here!!?" So I turned left and went onto the road.

I was so freaked out. I think I was hyperventilating. Sia was super freaked out. We were discussing why those guys would be after SIA!!? Then we came to one conclusion, Paul wanted her back. ahhh! It was so crazy. She mentioned talking to him a couple weeks back and said that he really missed her and wanted to marry her. I was shocked because I thought she lost all contact with him. I was kind of scared for her. I told her she had to report this incident and stuff but she said to just let it go! I was like, "Girl, those guys look so scary! If you don't, then I will!!!"
Then Alex woke me up at 725

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