Monday, July 30, 2012

Forgiveness and Love

It's been a rough and crazy summer. It has actually been the best "down" time I've had since I started going to SCSU. Every summer since I've moved back in 2009, I worked and went to summer school. It has definitely been a wonderful experience

Besides the lost love and friendship from Xue, I think I've actually gained so much more in return. I've gained memories and experiences that has made life so much more fulfilling. I've loved and lost. I've coped and am now content.

So what I'm super happy about is all the events that followed. I finally got to spend family time with my Yaya and Masthais!! :) Oh how I missed these kids so much throughout the school year. I can't believe my Yaya is growing so fast for a 10 year old! Next thing you know it, she'll be running after boys and getting super dolled up. I don't hope for it but she'll want to experience it. The other week she asked how it feels to have a boyfriend! LOL. Masthais is growing into such a compelling teenager. Oh I wish I was this close with Rayray when we lived together.

And then there's this guy from far away. He's such a trip sometimes but he's awesome. I don't know but it's definitely a different feeling. Maybe it's because he's older, he's stable, he's ambitious, he's ... well the list can go on. Long distance is such a bummer but it surely makes every second so much more intriguing. I've learned to appreciate the people I love that live far away. Also, I've learned to appreciate time and money because nothing comes free in life.

STANDING STONES 2012: LIFE ON THE LINE HAS DEFINITELY MOVED ME. I am so blessed to have that support and family <3. I got baptized at SS12 and now I'm a part of God's bigger family. It was truly awesome. The message for each sermon touched me deeper and deeper and it definitely has shown me more guidance. I definitely felt the Holy spirit move through all campers, chaperones, volunteers, and staff at SS12. Til next year SS13!! :)

Oh summer, you're ending soon with the last week of online classes and getting back into work. St. Cloud bound from here on out.

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