Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

So valentines was about a little be less than a week ago. I decided that I will officially stop talking to Xue and then it just got confusing when I got flowers and candies from his cousin which she said that he wanted to give to me as a surprise. She gave me bouquets of flowers and candies. Oh dear. What do I do now? Why do I feel like everything will get better just because he gave me this stuff for valentine's? what's the point? why the flowers and candies? why would he think that these items could ever win my heart again?

Lisa said I should just be strong and not talk to him. He has other priorities in life and I believe that I should not be one of them. It's his parents, bills, and being stable. Mine are school, family, God, and work.

I'm so sorry God. I haven't been praying and going to church to fellowship. It feels like a blur. Life feels like a blur because sometimes it seems so real here in college and then I go back home and it doesn't seem right. It seems like I'm in two separate worlds that are 70 miles apart. It seems there is a different sense of community wherever I go. These communities that I feel are tugging at my heart because I care so much, so deeply about both. What's wrong with me?

Life is as complicated as trying to figure out the correct syntax in MATLAB(a program that deals with mathematical problem solving). What should the input be for a priority and necessity? Should I choose between family or school? Should I choose between God/Jesus or a partner? Choices are hard but if we aren't given choices, what do we have? Do we need an input check to help direct us to use the correct input the user should use? Error messages are showing everywhere but if I don't know what to do, how do I begin to fix it?!

Xue, I appreciated everything we have done and gone through but there are some variables in life where it doesn't apply to the function anymore.

In math, life just makes sense without all the what if's and excuses.

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