Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New YOU for 2013!

I've been away for a few months and I need a project. I have done monthly fun things on this blog and I decided to do something I can see a progressive turn out. I've been on this craze of getting fit and healthy but having no real motivation to necessarily do it because I keep making excuses. Therefore I decided to start posting on my blog again as well as keep motivation through writing about my progress. I will be in a 5k at the Dragon Boat Festival at Phalen Lake this summer and I wanna keep up with my friend Anj. So I'll be preparing myself for this as well as getting healthy. I will be doing before and after pictures each month.

So first and foremost, I'll start with eating habits and work out routines I am currently doing at the moment. In all honesty, it hasn't been helpful since I don't go to the gym or have any good set of weights lying around. I usually do 20-30 reps of sit up, crunches, push-ups etc. As long as I am not jumping everywhere and disturbing neighbors downstairs. I am not on a super strict diet but I am trying to eat in smaller portions and definitely more veggies and fruit. I keep telling myself to become a vegetarian again but that bacon!! Oh bacon kills me everytime. Since I'm mostly in charge of getting groceries when Neal and I go shopping, I think I'll have enough $$ for my end of the list. I really want to invest in healthy lifestyles for both Neal and I since we're still very capable and young.

Today's Goal: up my reps, eat a light dinner, pack lunch for tomorrow, and finish final exam for Women's Studies course.

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