Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Accepting 2012 and going onto 2013

It's been about 3 months since I've written on this blog. Life does take you by the horns and tries to make you do things that take away so much time. I think there are so many blessings and mishaps that happened this year for everything has a purpose of course. So let me just write a few things that have definitely changed my life.

Looking back at a few of my post, there were a few things I was going through with my past relationship. At the time, the man was trying to win back my heart although I was stubborn. Very stubborn, in deed. I seemed careless of his feelings and his hurt emotions but he sure did twist up things in the summer. He definitely showed me that love wasn't suppose to be hurtful and that I should be nice for once. I definitely reflected on the habit I've fallen into with him and noticed that I was being really childish and selfish. I need something more to heal me and teach me to love and that's where I found my faith with God deeper.

This past summer I was hoping to attend Standing Stones camp but I came up short with finances but with God's help, I was able to attend and get baptized. This is such a big part of my faith to get baptized and becoming a part of God's bigger family is just amazing. I'm able to have more by allowing God to guide me and make me reborn with Christ. It was beautiful.

At camp I met someone I kinda never thought would go for me. I was going through a hard time after leaving my past relationship this year so I wasn't really hoping to hop into another one but it was kinda different. I think it was so relaxing and comforting to know that I was myself and try to find God in this new man, Neal. I mean we just went a few dates, no big deal, and then he suggested that we should see each other more often. I thought that it'd be cool to make new friends and what not so I went a long with it. Well he is something else. I constantly smile whenever he's around. I think a lot of people say it's only the first few months, but it's definitely more than beginnings. He definitely has the heart and mind of the man I hoped for. God surely does work in mysterious ways when we find Him with so much yearning.

School has started off great. I got to see and meet familiar faces and take charge of an organization that I hope to make it more awesome! Although is started off splendidly, it surely is ending on an off note. I have 4 finals to take and none seem to be as fun. I have 3 exams and one final paper to write. I really really need a break. Finances have been up the wah-zoo! I surely need a break from being a student and paying for so much stuff. I feel like money doesn't help me but suffocates me. I really wish there was no such thing as money because I am rich in all my other traits, especially being rich as God's daughter.

Laos/Thailand/malaysia to start the new year. Start new adventures to Neal. Start new expectations of and from my organization and school. AMEE YOU GOT THIS! :)

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