Saturday, January 7, 2012

Something new but delicious!

Today I made BIBIMBAP! It was a spur of the moment but I really want some korean food. I know I didn't have the right ingredients but I used what I could with whatever I had. The paste I made was actually the paste for the Grilled Venison but I used it anyways. The paste consisted of 1 tablespoon of hot pepper paste, 2 tablespoons of soy bean paste, some chopped up green onions, garlic, sugar, and sesame oil. It was quite delicious. Today's bibimbap consist: rice, stir fry ground venison with ginger, chopped carrots, chopped green onions, stir fry cabbage, a cooked sunny-side up egg, fresh chopped ginger, stir fried red onions, and especially the special paste. It was something I've always wanted to do but didn't because I always told myself I didn't have the right ingredients. I'm so glad to have had these veggies and meat available. Here it is!

jan 7 2012

Stay tuned for more updates

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