Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On the brighter side.. I guess...

So it's been like about a month since Xue and I broke up. It has been a very hard and awkward month because I'm still confused at his actions then and now. He says he misses me more than ever and wants me back but I've been thinking a lot about what he's done and what he's said. It all doesn't seem to add up to me. I think that we both should be apart for now because it's the best for the both of us. Yes we'll miss each other and want to be together like in the past but it hasn't helped us much. I feel like we've grown into this familiar cycle of life that we don't want to stray away from but we have to, especially to grow and mature as a person.

I've told him that we should take this time to learn and grow as an individual person and if we want to be together in the end, then so be it. Yes, that sounds corny but that's true right? I mean it's like Serendipity, if fate wants us to be together then let it be.

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